Alan Brickman

One Last Favor

"Stop right there and give me your wallet!" 

I turned toward the man yelling at me. I didn't see his face because all I saw was the gun pointed at my chest. I was unarmed, of course, and I couldn't run due to my injury. He probably picked me out because he saw my labored gait and figured I was an easy mark. Cornered, with no options, I smiled weakly and replayed the events that got me here. 

Not so long ago, things seemed so … normal. I had my job at the publishing firm. I was married to an artist, and we were happy together, or so I thought. We lived in a house we owned with a mortgage we could afford, and life was on cruise control. Not in a race car or a luxury car, just a comfortable sedan traveling safely within the speed limit.

Then the downturn in the economy, which hit publishing particularly hard, and I lost my job. Let go with two weeks' notice and no severance because I had only been at my current firm for about nine months. After a series of networking lunches and informational interviews over coffee, I became discouraged about my prospects. My career in this city and others had always been in publishing, and the industry was dying. I thought that because I was a well-spoken, well-read, hard-working generalist, I would glide into my next job at a firm where people appreciated such things. After a few weeks, I was disabused of that naïve fantasy.  

My wife, who had been perfectly self-sufficient before we were married, turned out to be worse than useless. She hadn't had a job since we moved here. She had been painting and, with my full-throated cheering from the sidelines, created a considerable body of new work. It was exciting, sure, but that was a lifetime ago. When I lost my job, she spent a lot of money framing her paintings in preparation for selling them, then spent more money to design and print promotional materials, then didn't sell a single painting. She decided she would look for a graphic design job – that's how she'd always made a living – and spent money we didn't have on creating a design portfolio and buying new clothes for the interviews that never materialized. It turns out you're not that marketable if you're a fifty-something with a two-year gap in your resume in a field that values youth and whatever the tastemakers declare to be the next fresh thing. Result: no income, large outflow. Result number two: staggering credit card debt.

She then had an affair with a gallery owner who seduced her with promises that he would show her work – he never did – and one day, the two of them jetted off to his other gallery in San Francisco, and I never saw her again. There was a "Dear John" postcard on the kitchen table and, a few months later, divorce papers in the mailbox. Since then, just like Murray and his sister in the movie A Thousand Clowns, we've communicated primarily through rumor. 

I called in several favors and was able to get some money from friends to pay the mortgage, but that lasted only a few months, and then after a few more, the bank took the house. I had stopped reading my mail because all the collection notices were too depressing, and I was depressed enough, and even though I saw it coming, I didn't see it coming. I came home one day to a foreclosure notice on the door, changed locks, and my stuff on the sidewalk. The neighbors and passersby must have picked through the heap and helped themselves because my laptop and leather easy chair were gone. Probably other stuff too. I held an impromptu yard sale, made a few bucks, stuffed a gym bag with some clothes and books, and walked away.

I imposed on the same friends who lent me money, this time to sleep on their couches. But soon enough, those favors dried up too, so I swallowed what was left of my pride and moved into a shelter. One afternoon I decided to walk around the neighborhood and was badly beaten up by a group of teenagers; when they asked me for money, I laughed because I didn't have any. I think they were just prowling the streets looking for someone to beat up for the fun of it. And a homeless down-and-outer like me? Even better. One of them smashed a two-by-four across my leg and broke it. My leg, not the two-by-four. I dragged myself to the nearby hospital emergency room. After an excruciating three-hour wait, a young resident who looked over-tired and might have been drunk set the leg badly and left me with a pronounced limp that makes me appear diminished and vulnerable when I go out, which invites predators like the one pointing his gun at me right now. 

"Stop right there and give me your wallet!" 

Cornered, out of options, I said, "Go ahead, asshole, shoot me if you want. You'd be doing me a favor. Thing is, I don't think you have the balls." I stepped forward so that the gun was an inch or two away. I looked directly into his face. It was a dead-eyed mask of sadness and rage. 

"What did you say?" 

"I said, I don't think you have the…"

An ear-shattering blast. A burning sensation and a burning smell. I fell to the ground in slow motion. I felt almost no pain, even as the sticky wet blood ran along the sidewalk and into my hair. I lifted my head to look up and saw the gunman's blank expression. Just another day at the office for another lost soul. In the moment before I surrendered to the dark void, I thought, At last, all my troubles are over.

This story captures the fragility of life (medically, financially) and the likelihood of despair in today's America.

Alan Brickman consults to nonprofits on strategy. Raised in New York, educated in Massachusetts, he now lives in New Orleans with his 17-year-old border collie Jasper and neither of them can imagine living anywhere else. Alan's work has appeared in Variety Pack, SPANK the CARP, Evening Street Press, and Sisyphus Magazine, among others. He can be reached at

Marshall Moore

Only Faintly (or: Anosmia)


I can’t smell shit.


The previous sentence is accurate no matter how you stress the brown word. I can’t usually smell excrement. In fact, I can’t smell much at all. Does that make me nose-blind, or smell-deaf? Neither of these terms feels correct.


Problematic ontologies: I actually can smell things, except for the things that I can’t, which is a rather long list.


Organic laundry detergent with faint whiffs of lavender and magnolia and chamomile and gentle breezes on the moors in spring is all well and good, but I prefer the fake kind that smells like those tree-shaped deodorizers you hang from the rear-view mirror of your car. That, I can smell if I use enough of it, which I probably don’t.


I don’t bother sniffing food to see if it’s gone off.


An article I read a few days ago extolled the virtues of taking walks in winter weather. Rain, cold, mud, and wind are said to be good for the immune system. Ions and petrichor; fresh air and helpful microbes. But fresh air has a texture, not an odor—for me, anyway. What do ions even smell like?


Speaking of wind, I can’t smell farts. This arrangement works out much better for me than for others.


My grandmother had no sense of smell either, or not much of one. She used to collect Avon perfume bottles. I used to suspect the fumes scorched her sinuses. Now I wonder.


I once had a crush on a guy who wanted to be a nose in the perfume industry. Articulate in the ways of scent, he spoke of layers, notes, and nuances I couldn’t detect. He’d daub himself with essential oils before leaving the house. A little neroli, a drop of cedar, some ylang-ylang. Sandalwood. Lavender. Verbena. Hanging out with him was like sitting next to a forest. I could smell him. I could smell then.


I used to wear Grey Flannel. I thought it fit. He disagreed. It didn’t end well.


My apartment, two floors up from the dumpster into which my fellow tenants tossed their trash, sometimes got a little pungent. I moved in, counting myself lucky to have found a place during the Bay Area’s dotcom craze. The first time I looked out the window, I should have looked down. But the plume of maritime fog that passes through the Golden Gate and disperses against Emeryville and Berkeley kept the place cool. Most days, I didn’t need air conditioning. Now and then, when the sun came out, and the dumpster filled up, the stench of baking garbage could be an issue—not overwhelming, but enough to notice. To cope, I’d burn Nag Champa incense. Those benignly cloying New Age fumes would fill the flat with mystical energies, chasing away the foulness wafting in from outside and almost convincing me (just for a moment) that I lived somewhere far away and keenly interesting. Then the flat flooded in a plumbing disaster, and I came home from a trip to find the floorboards warped and the carpets black. I had to move into a smaller unit upstairs.


I can smell incense. I can smell mildew.


When I moved to Seattle a few years later, the fridge in the condo was older than the outgoing tenants. Things had frozen to the sides and top of the compartment. A gruesome, greyish intrusion of ice from the freezer section looked like an escapee from a John Carpenter film. The smell shocked me because I could smell it, and also because I could smell it. Like cabbage and ass, since you asked.


Halfway through my first year in Korea, where I lived next, I caught a little infection I wish I’d had more fun catching. Antibiotics ensued.


Korea is an olfactory bonanza: barbeque, autumn leaves on hillsides, gochujang, garlic, perfume counters in department stores, hot concrete in the cities, barbeque, seafood markets, skin-care products, cigarette smoke, barbeque. I noticed those scents less after the experience recounted above. I didn’t notice myself not noticing. Not right away.


In late spring, prevailing seasonal winds dump dust from the Gobi Desert onto eastern China, the Koreas, and Japan. The air turns golden amber and gleams with heavy metals and exotic toxins. Everybody gets bronchitis. A few months after my earlier microbial adventure, my lungs filled up with phlegm and sparkly radioactive crap, and my throat felt like I’d swallowed a pine cone. My doctor took a look, blinked a couple of times, and asked Can you swallow? He gave me a shot of antibiotics in one buttock and an anti-inflammatory in the other. More pills, too. The same kind as before.


Time passed.


I got better, in a manner of speaking.



My partner noticed it first. He asked, you can’t smell that? With a grimace, he pointed down: Hong Kong drains after a late-summer spell of no rain. It’s like piss and dead fish, he said, but with other nameless bad things mixed in. I said, not even a little bit. Later: low tide in Victoria Harbour on a windless, humid afternoon. Brackish, fishy rottenness, but sour. You can’t smell that?, he asked, and I couldn’t. Later: drains again. Nope. Wet market. Nope. Every now and then I’d catch whiffs of things, but with the volume turned all the way down. I’d feel the odor whispering against my sinuses, nothing more than a transient hint of existence. I’d ask, Is that sensation a smell? Am I smelling that? I knew about it now, so I noticed myself not noticing.


There were always exceptions. Case in point: a few supermarkets there sold durians, those spiky fruits that look like the insides of iron maidens and are almost as harmful. They reek. The smell is a lethal sinus-tangle of sulfur, horror, roadkill, and unwashed butt. People say durians taste good. I wouldn’t know. I can smell them, though, and I’d steer well clear of that part of the produce section when they were in season. 


Exceptions, by definition, aren’t rules. I could only smell the exceptions. Paranoia set in. I started carrying mints everywhere in case I had corpse breath. Taking extra showers. Using more fabric softener and those colorful little odor spheres you toss into the wash to make it smell like pretty chemicals. 


At Kew Gardens in London, I sniffed every flower I passed, not to see what it smelled like but to see if I could smell it. There were a few.


I would sniff-test the air in restaurants and restrooms. If I could detect any odor at all, that was both a good sign and a bad one.


I still do that.


On the list of exceptions: Bleach and ammonia. Onions. Cat pee, if there’s enough in the litter box. Wood smoke. Coffee. Roses.


I can taste things. This is not the same as saying I have taste. I don’t know how much taste I still have. Some, evidently.


According to a Google search, the antibiotic I took several times in the space of three years is known to cause olfactory damage, sometimes permanent. Quite a few doctors have looked up my nose.


The testing continues. When I open a bottle of wine, I sniff the cork. A tanginess registers. This is new, and I think it’s a smell. I just don’t know what it is. There are scents in the air here: flowers, grass, trees. I notice them, only faintly; then they’re gone as soon as I realize I’ve smelled something. Cat food breath. Plants in garden centers. Lye fizzing in the drain in the kitchen sink. Certain brands of shower gel. Perhaps it’s not permanent. And if only one category, the one I’d rather not smell, has been wiped out for good, is that much of a loss?


Loss, by definition, has parameters. My vision’s not quite what it used to be. All those years of looking at screens. Bifocals give me a migraine, so I have two pairs of reading glasses now, plus a few other pairs for driving and distance. My knees have never not been jangling twin shit-shows of broken glass and immobility. They just jangle louder now. It takes longer to make up lost time at the gym. Two-day hangovers, as it turns out, exist. Aging takes things away. 


And every so often, time brings them back.

Marshall Moore is an American author, publisher, and academic based in Cornwall, England. For more information, please visit, or follow him on Twitter at @marshallsmoore.

Gary Duehr

Hot Spot

WTF! I'm about to lose my freaking mind! What made me think Sierra Mesa would be the perfect spot for my bachelorette party? Sierra. Mesa. It's in the middle of the freaking Mojave Desert! A desert! And not a romantic sunset-with-cactus-and-tequila desert, a 110-degree in-the-shade desert. With nothing but poisonous snakes and scorpions and things that want to kill you. Nothing! Like it's completely deserted. Duh. 

So when our Pink Party Bus—a mini-school bus with a cow skull on the hood and pink and silver balloons tied to the windshield wipers—broke down with 14 of my besties just as the sun fell behind the mountains, the temperature dropped like 30 degrees in two minutes to freeze our asses off in bedazzled white stetsons and beach coverups that said "Cowboy Up!," pretty soon we had a Donner Party-like situation on our hands. No cellphone service, and the blond-dreads driver, Rafael or Roberto, was clueless. All he could think was to pop the hood and play with the battery wires. Only two coolers of Coronas and some mini-pretzels in airplane-sized bags to survive on. Spoiler alert: none of us, pray Jesus, was forced to consume human flesh. But we got closer than we ever wanted to be. We could hear the growls of predators closing in. Everything pitch black, with pinwheels of stars overhead. Just in case, we drew curlicue straws to choose a victim. Though I think it would have been smarter to do it by weight.

I'd already been on bachelorettes in Nashville, Vegas, Austin, what have you. I didn't want to repeat them or do anything painfully obvious. So I told my mom, "Let's do Sierra Mesa in Arizona!" On Instagram, #bacheloretteparty was flooded with posts of its nightclubs and boutique shops, and 4-star restaurants. Everyone looked so happy there, clinging together in matching outfits, lips pursed for the group cellphone pose—that's what I want, to make instant memories.

And she said, "Skylar, you can go wherever you want. It's your big moment." I know she disapproves of Greg, he's too much like Daddy; they both hardly say a word. They're like two big dumb rocks. But at six feet, Greg balances my own gangly height; I look like a skinny ostrich. Mom and I are afraid to leave Greg and Daddy together for long; they might crumble from the sheer weight of their silence.

Good thing that Mom and I make up for that. Together we're like two firecrackers spitting out ideas. We found an Airbnb mansion with an infinity pool that's $7500 for three nights. Only five bedrooms, so we'd have to double up. In the photos online, there were king-size beds squeezed together in three of the bedrooms, and the others had bunk beds. Who cares, I thought, we'll be out and about the whole time. All we need is a place to crash.

The first night we got in late, piling out from the airport shuttle all sweaty, lugging our ginormous carry-ons up the marble steps. Thanks to God I'd booked the Cabana Boys ($250 an hour) to staff the pool. By the time we'd changed into our beach wear, a gleaming row of margaritas had been laid out by the lounge chairs, replenished every 15 minutes by the waxed and oiled waiters. With the patio heaters glowing and the turquoise pool bubbling under the big night sky, I felt like we'd landed in heaven. My bridesmaid Mia proposed a toast to the best friends ever, may nothing ever change, and may we forever stay blessed and joyful in our company. We clinked the salty rims of our glasses together as sprinklers hissed on the lawn. Through the sheer white curtains of the kitchen, we could make out the silhouettes of the Cabana Boys eyeing us.

Day 2 was a total blur. Nobody could even remember what happened even while it was happening. Mimosas by the pool first thing; for brunch, tequila palomas with jalapeno poppers at the Dead Donkey in the Old Town; then pulling on purple and green wigs while we cruised in the neon-lit pedal bar ($499 plus alcohol) doing whiskey shots chased with PBR, screaming our heads off to old Katy Perry songs, trailed by hoots and horn-blasts from the sticky, swirling mass of partiers like a big ice cream cone with sprinkles that someone had spewed onto the sidewalk. Too wasted for our boutique shopping tour to be chauffeured in Escalades, we slumped against boulders in the median with frozen daiquiris in Slurpee cups and waited for the Sunset Cruise on the Pink Party Bus. The primary destination was the cliff where Thelma and Louise sailed over in their Thunderbird. We figured we could crash early to be rested for the Hot Air Balloon Adventure at sunrise.  

The bus bumped out of town on a gravel road into the dusk. Shadowy cactuses loomed up like weird alien life forms. We clung for support to the coolers of Corona. Kaylee started to get sick, so we exiled her to the back and told her to focus on the horizon, a bright thread of gold. A tape recording was going on about ghost towns and the Mesozoic era when the desert was a seabed. Trish and Maddy had keeled over, half asleep, when the bus clanked to a stop. 

"That can't be good," I moaned to Mia beside me. 

She was flat on her back, staring up at the galaxies reflected in her sunglasses. "Wake me when it's over."

I started to panic, hyperventilating, and screamed at the driver. "For christ's sake, do something!"

He hopped out and threw open the hood. What seemed like an eternity passed. I could hear him swearing under his breath. I tried my iPhone; no service. Fuck me, I thought. We're going to die out here. 

Everything got real quiet. There was howling in the distance. The temperature dropped to like absolute zero. The girls all huddled together on the floor for warmth. I did a quick inventory. Coronas and tiny packets of pretzels. Nothing to make a fire with unless we ventured out of the bus. I knew that was a bad idea. Only Hailey had a lighter for cigarettes, but what could we burn, the seat cushions? 

The driver climbed back in and shrugged. "Sorry, ladies, there's nothing to do but wait." 

We could hear claws scratching at the underside of the bus. The stars looked more malevolent somehow, like hundreds of bleeding wounds. 

Sophia and Jayde were sobbing, half out of their minds. They wanted to go for help, walk out into the blackness to find a stream or railroad tracks to follow. A couple girls had to hold them down until they chilled the fuck out.

That's when I suggested we take a vote in case things got desperate. Capri had a pocket knife if it came to that. We locked arms around each other, prayed for rescue to our Heavenly Father, and shut our eyes tight. Though we were shivering, sleep came fast.

The next thing I knew, a stab of sunlight hit my face. I could hear a loud clatter like a rattlesnake. I opened one eye and saw a rainbow-colored hot air balloon setting down onto the sand, its big wicker basket rocking back and forth, flames jetting upward. At first I thought I was hallucinating. I knocked the heels of my Prada boots together to make sure I was awake.

"You girls need a ride?" shouted the pilot, an old dude with a droopy white cowboy mustache.

I shook the other girls awake. "Home! We're going home! Let's never go anywhere ever again!"

Gary Duehr has taught creative writing for Boston institutions. His MFA is from the University of Iowa Writers Workshop. In 2001 he received an NEA Fellowship, and he has also received grants and fellowships from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the LEF Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Julie Benesh


My parents never took me to Chicago claiming their VW bug

would only ever get as far from Cedar Rapids, Iowa as Winneconne,

Wisconsin, on Lake Winnebago, near Oshkosh where my dad’s Uncle

lived, so the biggest city I ever visited before 1975 was Madison. We always left on a summer

Saturday before dawn, highway reflectors casting ghostly images.

I would lie on the hard gray backseat breathing second hand cigarette smoke

listening to my parents murmur and rattle road maps

One time the battery exploded right under my seat,

splattering my pinafore with acid.

(Now I know Chicago is closer, but they didn’t want to go there.

My dad thought only losers lived in cities.)

So I’d never been to Chicago before the ninth grade field trip

that took four hours and cost forty dollars. My mother was born in Chicago

but moved to Iowa as a baby and remembered nothing

and was likely fearing for my life, as when she thought Chicago

she thought crime and poverty and stranger danger

She had won $500 in a bingo game at St Pius

and spent it on two maxi dresses, one a gauzy cotton

in light green, the other ticked in blue and white, and platform sandals

for height. The music that month was all Philadelphia Freedom

and He Don’t Love You. My two best friends and I met the bus

in the parking lot of a strip mall on First Avenue. My mother

made me a Swiss cheese and peanut butter sandwich

though we also got a $2 voucher for McDonald’s along the way

We stayed at the Palmer House, boys on one floor and girls

two floors below. We went to the Ivanhoe Dinner Theater,

to the Shedd Aquarium, to the Adler Planetarium to Grant Park,

to Lincoln Park Zoo to Old Town and New Town.

The best part for me: Chicago kids in Lincoln Park yelling

are you from Iowa, you must be from Iowa, your pants are too short!

to the despair of my wannabe fashion maven classmates.

On the way back the chaperones asked for a vote: Who would rather

live here than Cedar Rapids? No one but one or two of us. The thing is,

at that very moment they asked we were riding past my future,

literally my current home high (23 stories) on LSD (Lake Shore Drive)

I not even noticing its unprepossessing cinder block façade–

like some kind of metaphor—blowing past my years-to-be in St. Louis,

Champaign, Naperville, the marriage that took up my 20s, getting closer,

closer to the shelter of a roofless sky, an endless horizon where at dusk

I cross the Drive with my ninth grade self to catch fireflies on our tongue.

Le temps passe. The Lake, big and old as the universe

will laugh and love us forever, and ever, outliving us all:

the Ivanhoe long turned into a Binnie’s Beverage Depot,

New Town reverted to mere East Lakeview, the Palmer House

in receivership, my parent’s VW sold for scrap,

mother gone since 1986, father since 2004, amen.

Julie Benesh, graduate of Warren Wilson College's MFA Program and recipient of an Illinois Arts Council Grant, has published work in Tin House, Crab Orchard Review, Florida Review, Another Chicago Magazine, JMWW, Maudlin House, and elsewhere, and her poetry chapbook ABOUT TIME is just out from Cathexis Northwest Press. More at

Maddalena Beltrami

A Dublin Fall in Fall

In that brief moment of twilight where the thoughts are as random and as powerful as can be, I think I have to tell my mother what happened to me. The thought is so real that when I awaken a few seconds later to the realization that “you can’t, she’s dead,” the force of the sadness and longing takes my breath away. It’s happened on occasion during the 16-year interval of her missing, but I marvel at the magnitude of it this morning. These reckonings between the dusk and dawn of sleep have become stronger, not weaker, in the years gone by. I want to tell her about my falling. I want to tell her about the first trip I’ve taken alone in my six and half decades of travel. Five days in Dublin. The first post-pandemic tiptoeing out of the cocoon we all had to create for ourselves. What if I fall and I can’t get up? That old commercial for the button contraption they want us to buy when old and alone spun around my head for several days before my trip, half in jest, half in dread. My son, hearing of the fall, said I put it out in the universe, and that is why it happened. He is a firm believer in manifesting one’s fate.

On the other hand, I have always thought the universe was random, and it simply manifested it for you, with no real interaction required other than to recognize the signposts along the way. My son believes you create those signposts. In my newly created life, where I am alone but surrounded by too many people, I chose this solitary trip to test my mettle. Another girls’ trip was out of the question this time, both by logistics and desire. O, those trips! The bane of the single for their mandate, but O so relished by the coupled women for whom a choice it always is.

Four days were spent carefully walking for more hours than I imagined possible with my poor gait. The last night. The concert is in a beautiful, ornate Victorian building with uneven steps and no modern-day accouterments like an elevator. The tiny toilet is down an even more uneven set of steps, with odd-sized landings after each one. I navigate my treads with care upon the first attempt. I am in the mezzanine, and my seat is not the usual one on the aisle, as is required by my trapaphobia. It is two seats in. I eye it with trepidation and remain in the bar for the opening act, delaying the inevitable as long as possible. I can do it, I think, but first, one last trip down the tiny passage to the tiny toilette. The first elongated step escapes my mind completely this time, and I fall in two parts, the second requiring an usher and a medic to attend to me. And so they do, by carefully depositing me into one of the beautiful boxes that hang on the side of the stage in tiers, and my tears take me to the second level with a glorious view of the show. I share it with two young men; one a fan, one a curious new onlooker, both complete strangers.

I manage the return to my room and country with the question still unanswered. My sleep renders me with the deep desire to ask my mother. Is this life of created singular solitude truly what my heart desires, or is it simply the result of cowardliness? Do I truly not have the fortitude to enter into a long-term contract whereby there will always be someone to take my hand whenever I have “fallen and can’t get up,” or is the price too steep to pay now in my advanced years? Should I, instead, take my chances falling in foreign lands alone and thus continue my penchant for forging relationships of sumptuous, secretive sensuality devoid of the mundane menu of milk toast and mortgages. I am no closer to the answer, and my mother is no longer close enough to ask.

Maddalena is a former wife, Federal manager, PTA President and C-19 contact tracer, current mother, music reviewer at and fledgling writer. She has had her work published in The Grit and the Grace Project, Grand Dame Literary, ChangeSeven Literary Magazine, Inside Wink, Harness Magazine, The Monologue Podcasts, Sad Girls Club Literary and Fauxmoir. She was born in Italy, raised in New York and calls Los Angeles home along with her two sons.