I. Birthday Card To Myself
Gerard, you are a lucky man
To have made it to seventy-six
With such loving family and friends.
Best wishes today in pursuit
Of being as kind to all above as
I can, calling me out to expand heart.
ii.On Turning Eighty-Six [September 13, 2031]
A decade ago I wondered
If I would live
to attend all six grandsons’
or whatever,
but now I can imagine
not making it
to next cherry season.
iii. Post Birthday Letdown
Well morning after passed
Three quarters century mark,
As I had foreshadowed for
Extended fam/ some closest
Friends with vague weird
Repeated references to, Leave
‘Em laughing; having not
Received even most perfunctory
Texts that acknowledge
Occasion, finally time has come
Today to sling a noose
Around long-eyed ceiling beam.
But then at very last
Second before step onto chair,
My iMessage app
Which’d recently been on fritz
Suddenly ding-
Dings receipt of yesterday’s
Multiple notes
Wonderfully appreciative of
Ger’s landmark
—-Toppling all intentionality
To do self in
Plus signaling rest of life begun!