Gerard Sarnat


I. Birthday Card To Myself

Gerard, you are a lucky man

To have made it to seventy-six

With such loving family and friends.

Best wishes today in pursuit

Of being as kind to all above as

I can, calling me out to expand heart.

ii.On Turning Eighty-Six [September 13, 2031]

A decade ago I wondered

If I would live

to attend all six grandsons’


or whatever,

but now I can imagine

not making it

to next cherry season.

iii. Post Birthday Letdown

Well morning after passed

Three quarters century mark,

As I had foreshadowed for

Extended fam/ some closest

Friends with vague weird

Repeated references to, Leave

‘Em laughing; having not

Received even most perfunctory

Texts that acknowledge

Occasion, finally time has come

Today to sling a noose

Around long-eyed ceiling beam.

But then at very last

Second before step onto chair,

My iMessage app

Which’d recently been on fritz

Suddenly ding-

Dings receipt of yesterday’s

Multiple notes

Wonderfully appreciative of

Ger’s landmark

—-Toppling all intentionality

To do self in

Plus signaling rest of life begun!

Gerard Sarnat MD’s won San Francisco Poetry’s Contest, Poetry in Arts First Place Award/Dorfman Prizes. Nominated for Pushcarts/Best of Net Awards, Gerry’s published in Hong Kong Review, Tokyo Journal, Buddhist Review, Gargoyle, Main Street Rag, New Delta Review, Arkansas Review, Hamilton-Stone Review, New Haven Institute, Texas Review, Vonnegut Journal, Brooklyn Review, SF Magazine, LA Review, NY Times plus by Harvard, Stanford, Dartmouth, Penn, Chicago, Columbia presses. He’s authored collections Homeless Chronicles, Disputes, 17s, Melting Ice King. Stanford professor/healthcare CEO, Gerry’s built/staffed clinics for the marginalized, devoted energy/resources toward climate justice on Climate-Action-Now’s board. Married since 1969, Gerry has nine grand/kids.