What's In a Name
My name
Defines me.
It means
I got bullied growing up,
Cried all the way home
More than once,
That grown-ass people
Still give me that
Pained look when I tell them
“It’s not Sarah,”
It means that
I don’t order Starbucks
Without a fake name
In my back pocket
(I have two).
It is stubborn
Like I was when
I told my immigrant parents
Not to change it
To something easier
Because they worried
Someday something bad
Might happen
It means
The ‘Dawn of Victory’
And when I tell
Someone born Persian
Their eyes light up
Repeating it and savoring
The feeling of the poetry
In their mouths and
It means
That if I tell you-
If I whisper to you-
My real name,
That I am winning
In this war against all that is
Brown and different in America,
That truly,
I have already won.